The current lockdown poses significant challenges for staff, especially those who usually spend most of their time in the classroom. This article shares tips for remote working to help you better look after yourself and your mental health during this uncertain time. You can download them here.

Many of us miss being part of a team, still need to socialise and regularly speak with others. Following the 10 tips below will support you in managing your wellbeing and working productively.

First though, let’s look for some positives in the current lockdown.

Can you focus on the possible benefits of remote working?  
– No commute and extra hours in the day. 
– Greater flexibility to plan and manage time. 
– More opportunity to pause, switch tasks and remain productive. 
– Better able to take care of personal and family needs. 
– New ways to keep in contact with students and colleagues. 
– Technology solutions that are available to help you.


Remote working: 10 quick tips for all staff

Staff Member feeling the strain and looking for tips for remote working.

*Here is a downloadable version of these remote working tips for staff.

  1. Take time to think about how best to meet your own and colleagues’ needs. Don’t jump straight in – it will take time to get used to new ways of working. Consider who you should talk with regularly and what support is needed from managers.
  2. Create the best work environment you can. Find a space distinct from other living areas if possible, make sure it is quiet or use headphones and consider what technology you will use.
  3. Establish a rough structure for your week and a more detailed one for each day, and prioritise your most important tasks. 
  4. Set boundaries, so when you are working you really are! It is so easy for home and work tasks to morph together.
  5. Track time and avoid distractions – this is often hard, particularly if family members are around. Work on single tasks, rather than multiple ones, and plan in rewards for when you complete them. Include a set time for sending and answering emails, rather than doing this throughout your day.
  6. Take regular breaks, switch tasks and completely disconnect from work for periods.
  7. Stay connected and arrange regular contact, including coffee/tea breaks with colleagues remotely. There is free technology to help you.
  8. Keep active, move around, take walks and exercise – even if in the garden or using free online exercise apps and videos.
  9. If you have children, and particularly younger ones, you will need to build your routine around them as well as you can. Keep work expectations realistic and factor in what they will need too, for example, time for engagement, screen time and exercise.  
  10. Focus on doing your best – you don’t need to prove anything and should feel trusted to deliver what you can. 

Ten tips for remote working during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Do explore other articles that may help during lockdown and get in touch to share any tips of your own.


Coronavirus, COVID-19 schools, Leading schools, School closures, Staff wellbeing

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