Welbee Pricing

Choose your plan below...

Discounts are available if you are part of an independent or international school group. This includes an additional group dashboard to enable school comparisons and collaboration.

Welbee Pricing

Choose your plan below...

Discounts are available for Multi-Academy Trusts and groups of schools who decide to purchase together. This includes an additional MAT or group dashboard to enable school comparisons and collaboration.

We offer a 100%, no quibble, money back guarantee for first time use.

We offer a 100%, no quibble, money back guarantee

Our Plans

Survey Premium
Survey Pro
Voice Pro
Voice Free

Survey Premium

Survey Pro

Voice Pro

Voice Free

Pricing Starting from
£397 + VAT
Starting from
£247 + VAT
Starting from
£97 + VAT
Forever Free
Signup to
Survey Premium
Signup to
Survey Pro
Try FREE for
30 Days
Signup to
Voice Free
Calculate your cost Calculate your cost Calculate your cost

Plan Info

Everything in Survey Pro Everything in Voice Pro Everything in Voice Forever Free Hold anonymous two-way staff conversations
Add your own questions to supplement the evidence based survey Evidence built & independently evaluated survey Invite all staff to take part Unlimited number of feedback requests
Or choose from a question bank On-line dashboard with comprehensive results and report Or groups of 8 or more for focused feedback Invite all staff to participate
Create additional filters to further help you target action Scores shown against the Health and Safety Executive’s Management Standards Choose staff groups that meet your school needs Respond to staff comments
Filters by subject, key stage, job function or line manager - you choose Track annual progress Seek feedback from only relevant staff for maximum engagement Use for consultations or following change
Scores are only reported where anonymity is protected Share with inspectors, governors and staff Multi-user access so other leaders can take part Use anytime anonymous feedback will help you
Unlimited surveys Meet commitment 11 of the DfE Staff Wellbeing Charter Full money back guarantee after first time use Quick and easy to use
Staff filters & heatmaps target support to need Single account user
Benchmarks to compare against schools and organisations
Recommendations make it easy to move to action
Focus on areas of greatest impact
Respond anonymously to staff comments
The Welbee Toolkit supports implementation
Ongoing remote support keeps you on track
Additional surveys available at low cost
(within your subscription year)

 Book a no-obligation demo of Welbee to see how it could help you to improve staff wellbeing and transform your school…

 Book a no-obligation demo of Welbee to see how it could help you to improve staff wellbeing and transform your school…

 Book a no-obligation demo of Welbee to see how it could help you to improve staff wellbeing and transform your school…

Welbee Survey Pricing
The annual investment you need to make is linked to the size of your school and therefore the value and return you will receive. The prices below exclude VAT.
Drag The Slider Below For Pricing Options

Up to 200

201 - 500

501 - 1000

1001 - 1500


*additional savings available for MATs and groups of schools working together – ask us for more details.
Select Pricing Options
Price: £247
*additional savings available for MATs and groups of schools working together – ask us for more details.
Our money-back guarantee
If for any reason you don’t get the value expected from using the survey and report then we wouldn’t want you to pay and will refund your money.
Welbee Voice Pro Pricing
The annual investment you need to make is linked to the size of your school and therefore the value and return you will receive. The prices below exclude VAT.
Drag The Slider Below For Pricing Options

Up to 200

201 - 500

501 - 1000

1001 - 1500


*additional savings available for MATs and groups of schools working together – ask us for more details.
Select Pricing Options
Price: £97
*additional savings available for MATs and groups of schools working together – ask us for more details.
Our money-back guarantee
If for any reason you don’t get the value expected from using the survey and report then we wouldn’t want you to pay and will refund your money.
Welbee Voice Premium Pricing
The annual investment you need to make is linked to the size of your school and therefore the value and return you will receive. The prices below exclude VAT.
Drag The Slider Below For Pricing Options

Up to 200

201 - 500

501 - 1000

1001 - 1500


*additional savings available for MATs and groups of schools working together – ask us for more details.
Select Pricing Options
Price: £397
*additional savings available for MATs and groups of schools working together – ask us for more details.
Our money-back guarantee
If for any reason you don’t get the value expected from using the survey and report then we wouldn’t want you to pay and will refund your money.