Welbee Survey

Understand how your staff are feeling and make improvements where it matters most

Welbee Survey will enable you to focus on areas that will positively impact your school and the wellbeing of staff, based on anonymous staff feedback…

  • Pinpoint what is happening in your school now, so you can easily see where improvements need to be made.
  • Anonymously address concerns, seek further feedback, ask for ideas, and engage staff in creating solutions.
  • Use heatmaps to quickly see your scores across six job roles and other staff characteristics, so you can target action where it is needed most.
  • Benchmark your scores against other schools and use the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) own benchmarks to compare them to cross-sector organisations.

The report that Welbee Survey provides you with will summarise your results, provide strengths, areas for focus and even recommended actions…

So that you can focus on making improvements where they will have the biggest impact to your school and staff wellbeing.

See how Welbee could help you to improve staff wellbeing and transform your school…

How Welbee Survey Works

Welbee Survey uses an evidence-built survey to gain honest and anonymous feedback from staff.

It uses the Health and Safety Executive’s six Management Standards for assessing workplace wellbeing and managing the risks of workplace stress.

In just 37 multiple-choice and two open questions (which take around 10 minutes to complete), your staff can effectively communicate how they feel.

After running your survey you can follow-up with staff anonymously, respond to comments, ask more questions, encourage further feedback and share ideas.

Receive scores against the six Management Standards, benchmarks against other schools and cross-sector organisations and recommended actions so you can implement quickly.

Filters help you focus on the most important areas first, meaning you know where to start for the biggest impact. Easily edit and use the downloadable PowerPoint provided to share results with staff and governors.

Repeat the survey and track progress in your online dashboard.

What else is included with Welbee Survey?

You will also get the following tools and resources when you sign-up to Welbee Survey, which have been designed to make improving staff wellbeing in your school as easy as possible…

Welbee Voice Pro

Welbee Voice Pro allows you to anonymously follow up on your post survey actions. You can continue to seek anonymous thoughts, feedback and comments from all staff or specific smaller groups.

Please note: Welbee Voice Pro can also be purchased separately.

Learn more about Welbee Voice Pro

Welbee Toolkit

Welbee Toolkit provides training and resources that support you in building wellbeing into your school culture.

Learn more about Welbee Toolkit

12-Months Support

Welbee will fully support you and your school throughout your journey to improve staff wellbeing, so that you can achieve the outcomes you want.

  • Book a 1:1 call with a Welbee staff wellbeing expert to discuss your survey results, review priority actions and receive advice on how best to implement them.
  • Receive ongoing remote support through email, phone and video call whenever it’s required throughout the year.

Prices for Welbee Survey start from just £247 + VAT annually!

For more information on prices for your school, check out our Pricing page

See how Welbee could help you to improve staff wellbeing and transform your school…

Welbee Makes Improving Staff Wellbeing As Easy As Possible…

Make the biggest impact with Welbee’s recommended actions
Depending on your scores and benchmarks, Welbee will recommend up to 3 actions for each of the Management Standards. This makes it easy and quick for you to start with the right actions that will have the biggest impact.

See how your school compares and where changes need to be made

Your scores are benchmarked against other schools and use the HSE’s benchmarks to compare them to cross sector organisations. Use heat-maps to quickly see your scores across six job roles and staff characteristics, so you can easily target action where it is needed most.

Gain a deeper insight into how your school is doing

We analyse and summarise your results, providing strengths, areas for focus and recommended actions. Those who enjoy data can still interrogate scores and heatmaps for every question.

Easily request more thorough feedback from staff

Whether addressing concerns, seeking further feedback, asking for ideas or engaging staff in creating solutions, Welbee allows you to easily and anonymously follow-up with staff.

Track your progress easily
Your Welbee online dashboard keeps everything in one place, making it easy to access, track progress and demonstrate your wellbeing commitment to staff, the Board and inspectors.

Welbee Makes Improving Staff Wellbeing As Easy As Possible…

Make the biggest impact with Welbee’s recommended actions

Depending on your scores and benchmarks, Welbee will recommend up to 3 actions for each of the Management Standards. This makes it easy and quick for you to start with the right actions that will have the biggest impact.

See how your school compares and where changes need to be made

Your scores are benchmarked against other schools and use the HSE’s benchmarks to compare them to cross sector organisations. Use heat-maps to quickly see your scores across six job roles and staff characteristics, so you can easily target action where it is needed most.

Gain a deeper insight into how your school is doing

We analyse and summarise your results, providing strengths, areas for focus and recommended actions. Those who enjoy data can still interrogate scores and heatmaps for every question.

Easily request more thorough feedback from staff

Whether addressing concerns, seeking further feedback, asking for ideas or engaging staff in creating solutions, Welbee allows you to easily and anonymously follow-up with staff.

Track your progress easily

Your Welbee online dashboard keeps everything in one place, making it easy to access, track progress and demonstrate your wellbeing commitment to staff, governors and inspectors.

Helpful Resources

  • Downloadable PowerPoint - makes it easy to share your headline scores, strengths and areas for focus with staff and governors.
  • Templates, Training and Resources - included in our toolkit to help you implement your plans and achieve results more quickly. Includes a staff wellbeing policy, strategy template, the 12 competencies proven to prevent staff stress, self-assessment questionnaires, leadership training, staff inset training PowerPoint and trainer notes, a resilience toolkit, articles on stress management and headteacher tips.

 Book a no-obligation demo of Welbee to see how it could help you to improve staff wellbeing and transform your school…

 Book a no-obligation demo of Welbee to see how it could help you to improve staff wellbeing and transform your school…

 Book a no-obligation demo of Welbee to see how it could help you to improve staff wellbeing and transform your school…

Welbee Survey Pricing
The annual investment you need to make is linked to the size of your school and therefore the value and return you will receive. The prices below exclude VAT.
Drag The Slider Below For Pricing Options

Up to 200

201 - 500

501 - 1000

1001 - 1500


*additional savings available for MATs and groups of schools working together – ask us for more details.
Select Pricing Options
Price: £247
*additional savings available for MATs and groups of schools working together – ask us for more details.
Our money-back guarantee
If for any reason you don’t get the value expected from using the survey and report then we wouldn’t want you to pay and will refund your money.
Welbee Voice Pro Pricing
The annual investment you need to make is linked to the size of your school and therefore the value and return you will receive. The prices below exclude VAT.
Drag The Slider Below For Pricing Options

Up to 200

201 - 500

501 - 1000

1001 - 1500


*additional savings available for MATs and groups of schools working together – ask us for more details.
Select Pricing Options
Price: £97
*additional savings available for MATs and groups of schools working together – ask us for more details.
Our money-back guarantee
If for any reason you don’t get the value expected from using the survey and report then we wouldn’t want you to pay and will refund your money.
Welbee Voice Premium Pricing
The annual investment you need to make is linked to the size of your school and therefore the value and return you will receive. The prices below exclude VAT.
Drag The Slider Below For Pricing Options

Up to 200

201 - 500

501 - 1000

1001 - 1500


*additional savings available for MATs and groups of schools working together – ask us for more details.
Select Pricing Options
Price: £397
*additional savings available for MATs and groups of schools working together – ask us for more details.
Our money-back guarantee
If for any reason you don’t get the value expected from using the survey and report then we wouldn’t want you to pay and will refund your money.